Stroke of Luck
Luis Jara (Lucho for friends) is one of the most important singers and entertainers in the Chilean television history and one of the key moments in his career was a disastrous interview with Robbie Williams. Luis Jara didn’t know to speak English and this cause a misunderstanding that ended with Robbie leaving the set. The Government of Chile requested us for a campaign to inform the country the launch of scholarships to study English CORFO, due to this, we talked with Luis Jara and we re-launched his hit “Un golpe de suerte” with a little difference, this time, Luis would sing in English “A Stroke of Luck”, because now, “Lucho Knows”.
““Stroke of Luck”: Luis Jara se reconcilia con el inglés en canción promocional
de becas Corfo”
““Saber inglés es fundamental
y eso Luis Jara lo sabe”.”
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