Polla Chilena de Beneficencia
Brand building
About the project:
In Chile, the politicians and businessmen take advantage, when the population´s attention is focused 100% on big media events to pass unnoticed when they abuse or commit an act that the majority of Chileans wouldn´t approve of. Thus, the role of the independent media such as El Mostrador is very important because it shows the real news that the media hide. The examples are clear: When Chile won the American Cup the president of the ANFP received US$1.5 million in bribes, or during the Pope´s visit the government ceded the rights to extract lithium to Pinochet´s son-in-law

La Suerte de ser Chileno
About the project:
After Chile implemented the Anti-Smoking Law that banned smoking inside entertainment centers and nightclubs, a large percentage of players left the rooms of Monticello Grand Casino. To combat this problem, we created a campaign that did not present the Casino from betting and games, it presented the casino as a great center of fun where you and everyone deserve to take a great rest.
Achap 2012 / Television / Grand Prix
Achap 2012 / Television / Gold